We have started the initiative to collect information of latest vacancies on government jobs from various sources and present here in this portal for benefiting many people who are looking for new job/ vacancies or change.
STEP 1. Go to www. mhrdnats.gov.in b. Click Enroll c. Complete the application form d. A unique Enrolment Number for each student will be generated. Please note: Please wait for at least one day for enrollment verification and approval. After this student can proceed to Step 2. http://portal.mhrdnats.gov.in/ STEP 2 : a. Login b. Click Establishment Request Menu c. Click Find Establishment d. Upload Resume e. Choose Establishment name f. Type “Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Kochi Refinery” and search g. Click apply h. Click apply again
Contact through email: studentquery@boat-srp.com, klplacement@boat-srp.com.
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